This communication port is used for UART communication with EMS systems like NepTune, NepTune RTP, and KTunerECU
 4 Pin Communication Port (UART)
This is a direct 4 pin cable connector for use with:
NepTune RTP
On the side that's flat pin 1 is marked with an arrow.
OBD1 Honda CN2 Port
TV Pin 1 -> CN2 Pin 1
TV Pin 2 -> CN2 Pin 3
TV Pin 3 -> CN2 Pin 4
TV Pin 4 -> CN2 Pin 2
NepTune RTP (Demon 1)
Both cable ends should be the same
NepTune RTP (Demon 2)
TV Pin 1 -> Demon Pin 4
TV Pin 2 -> Demon Pin 3
TV Pin 3 -> Demon Pin 1
TV Pin 4 -> Demon Pin 2
Both cable ends should be the same